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Diary 3

Day 3: September 19 4:20PM

Dear Diary,
Late Last night I finally managed to pay for my house. Tom Nook offered to remodel it and in a moment of weakness I agreed. Now I owe him a disgusting 148,000 bells. Although the sky blue roof does look nice. The Happy Room Academy sent me a letter today they only gave me 2633 points. I guess maybe I should hire a decorator. I went and checked my mail and the museum had sent back some of my fossils. I received a dinosaur egg, a stegosaurus tail, and an apatosaurus tail. I could only imagine how much they would crowd my house so I generously donated them all to the museum. I headed over to Tom's in search of a fishing rod. Of course he didn't have one.

The money burning a hole in my pocket finally got to me so I bought a trendy top. It's not that great a pattern but I have to have something else to wear. I also found a simple looking batbrella just in case it rains. Tom decided to give me 2 tickets for the end of month raffle. Seeing as it was earlier in the day than yesterday I went out in search of new bugs to net. I managed to find a grasshopper and a migratory locust. Both excellent specimens were donated to the museum. The curator, who is afraid of bugs, strangely reminds me of someone... On the way back to my house I checked the lost and found. Only one item was there today I couldn't wait to see what it was so I rushed home.

I got home and discovered my treasure, a regal dresser. It takes up half the space of my old kiddie dresser and is not so garishly coloured. I sold my kiddie dresser to Tom and placed my meagre belongings consisting of an optical shirt, and eight-ball shirt, and a trendy top in the drawer. I headed over to the post office to check on my golden sapling. Unfortunately it was dead so I dug it up. I spotted a strange patch of ground and uncovered something called a pitfall...I'll wonder what it does. I hunted around for the new golden spot and planted yet another shovel, which yielded yet another golden sapling. I hope this one grows. I delivered the clothes to bones that I didn't complete yesterday and received 194 bells. I retrieved tango's pokemon pikachu and he gave me a kitchen tile floor. It was red and matching nothing in my house so I sold it.

My last stop was to raid the dump where I found a detour sign and a classic chair. Having very little furniture I kept the chair and vowed to sell the sign as soon as I could. I asked Officer Copper if anything was going on and he told me about a strange tent in section D1. I raced over just in time to get my fortune for a mere 50 bells. Apparently "some good things will happen and some bad things will happen" I sure hope the good outweighs the bad. I paid 4000 bells off my debt and mailed a couple more fossils before turning in for the night.


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