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Diary 4

Day 4: September 20 6:45PM

Dear Diary,

Once again the museum came through with some more fossils. I received a triceratops skull and torso today, only the tail left to go to have my first complete skeleton. The museum curator was very appreciative, especially when I gave him a plesiosaur torso to top it all off. The HRA should take lessons from him though, they only gave me 2687 points. I went to check on my golden shovel tree only to find it had died again. What a disappointment, oh well maybe Tom will have a fishing rod. Or maybe he won't...sigh he doesn't.

The lost and found is strangely bare too, don't people know they need to lose things so less fortunate people can falsely claim those things as their own property? I headed over to the dump, maybe there would be something good there. I found a regal sofa and a number 5 shirt. I changed clothes quickly and hurried home to place my new sofa. With the sofa in place I sold my classic chair.

I noticed that a new villager had moved in, Zoe. When I talked to him he asked me if I would catch him a bug. I did so and brought it back to him. He was so excited he gave me a melon chair. It doesn't really match my decor so I shamelessly pawned it off. He also offered to sell me a pear for 160 bells. I bought it and quickly found somewhere to plant it. I found out there is an unfortunate creature living on my island that is allergic to my native fruit (cherries) maybe I can grow some for him. I bought yet another shovel from Tom and planted it in today's shiny spot. This one better grow I'm running out of patience!

I remember that purrl had given me some clothes for bones and I took them over. Bones gave me his old MVP shirt. It turned out a lot of people gave me clothes. After several errands I also gained a kiddie shirt, moody blue shirt, and a future shirt. Maybe this is a subtle hint...? I changed my clothes, sold some of them, and stored a couple in my house for the future. Chow decided to generously also give me a pear. I planted it too just in case one of them dies. Uh-oh I think I ran through one of my sapling pear trees, I hope it doesn't die. I returned to Tom's a bought the office desk I had had my eye on since morning. It looks a lot better in the corner than my orange box. I spotted a present floating through the air and followed it to a tree where it got stuck. Opening it I found a cube clock. It looks nice on my new office desk next to me organiser.

I ran around shaking trees and digging up fossils for a while getting stung multiple times. My poor face might never recover and it seems that those bees are just too fast for my net. However, one of the trees yielded Excitebike! Yeah! I rushed home to place it next to my other 2 nes games (clu clu land, balloon fight). I mailed off a few fossils and dug up another gyroid. I still haven't found any gyroids I like so I just sold it to Tom. I went to visit the villager on the island and he gave me a few thousand bells in exchange for some coconuts. I should really see about making a flag for the island flagpole and something for my door as well. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

Zoe (New!)

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