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Diary 5

Day 5: September 21 5:45pm

Dear Diary,
I had heard that tonight would be the Harvest Moon, so I went down at 6 to look. The moon was reflected in the lake and several of the villagers including the mayor had turned out to look. The mayor was nice enough to give me a model to take home. I feel guilty that I sold it but was kind of....a bit...ugly. It really clashed with my house I can only imagine what the HRA would say. After watching the moon for a while I decided to read my mail. I received a flyer from a salesman named Redd, it seems he would be in town tomorrow and hopes I will drop in and buy something. The HRA gave me 3747 points, an improvement over yesterday but just over 6000 points under their lowest category, how depressing. The museum sent back three of my fossils; an ammonite, a plesiosuar skull, and a dinosaur track. I promptly donated them all. The curator thanked me profusely...funny I had the strangest dream of him being evil.

I ran to check on my golden shovel tree. My worst predictions...weren't true! It's alive, it's alive! I can't wait until I get my wonderful gold shovel. Even though I didn't need to plant another shovel I hunted for the shiny spot and dug up 1000 bells. Just once I would like it to be more. Since I was free of planting my obligatory shovel I replanted the 1000 bells and was rewarded when a tiny sapling popped up. I checked in with Officer Copper and he told me for the second day in a row that no one had lost anything. He did however confirm that Redd would be in town tomorrow at 6pm. I hope Redd has something good like his flyer advertised. It was almost 8pm before I realised there was some guitar playing dog that was supposed to be performing at the train station tonight. I headed over to see.

He asked me if I would like to have a song played. Naturally I was curious so I let him pick something for me. He played a song called "The K. Funk" and afterwards gave me a copy to take home. The dump was only a few acres over so I went to take a look. I found an ugly big dot shirt and a chess table. Having no use for them I sold them to Tom as soon as I could. I spent a bit of time searching for something Pango had buried in A-2 but I couldn't find anything so I left.

I decided to go fishing with my new rod. That's right Tom finally had one! Now all I need is an axe...I caught several different kinds of fish and once again the museum benefited. Tom bought several other fish off of me and I in return dropped 17k on the loan. I ran into Purrl on the way back to the ocean and she gave me a hi-fi stereo she had no use for. I already had a retro one I liked better but Tom's shop was closed for the night so I hung onto it. Good thing I did too because Pango offered me his parlor wall wallpaper in exchange. Well I was curious seeing as I still had no wallpaper I liked so I agreed. The parlor wall was dark pink...ugh...definitely will be sold in the morning.

I had so many fish in my possession now that I couldn't hold any more items. Which was okay since no one had any jobs for me anyway. Pango traded me a concierge shirt for a salmon. The shirt was ugly but hey a trade is a trade. Hector offered me an apple for another of my salmon. I greedily accepted and buried it in a spacious area hoping it would grow well. I returned to talk to Pango and he offered to play a game. I would give him a salmon and he randomly would give me his clothes, a fruit, or stationary. As I said I had too mamy fish already so I agreed again. He gave me a pear. I already had 2 pear trees planted but one more couldn't hurt so I found another spot and buried it.

The wishing well told me to "green up" A-4 so I planted 2 packs of flowers and a sapling that I had bought from Tom earlier. It then told me to "green up" A-5 but I had nothing left to plant so that will have to wait until tomorrow. I spotted a new villager skulking by the well, her name was kitty. We seemed to be getting along well when she asked me if this lady palm was mine. I replied that it was hoping for a free gift and she gave it to me. However she told me to be careful I don't "lose" things again, not just items but others' trust. I wasn't sure what she meant until I realised that none of the other animals will speak to me now. I ran around looking for someone to talk to and they all ignored me. I was so remorseful I sent kitty a letter to apologise. I hoped to keep in good standing with Purrl so I sent her a letter as well. An hour later Purrl told me she had heard a vicious rumour about me but she didn't believe it anymore, she said mistakes were made and that's that. I was just happy that someone was talking to me again.

Kitty (new!)

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