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Diary 6

Day 6: September 22 10:00am

Dear Diary,
For the first time today I received a duplicate fossil. The museum sent me a left pteranodon wing, a trilobite, and another plesiosaur torso. I'm not sure what to do with it. I donated the others to the museum I'll hang onto this one for now. I received notice that Tom Nook is remodelling his shop. What an inconvenience how was I supposed to make money for the big sale tonight. Oh yes I forgot Redd came to my village. I looked at what he had but I was 3000 bells on that one of a kind green desk and nothing else he had struck my fancy. Maybe next time I guess. Kitty was pleased with the letter I had written here yesterday and she sent me a maple bonsai tree as a present. I bought 10 turnips from Joan, I heard a rumor I can use them to catch some rare insects....

Infuriatingly enough there was still nothing in the lost and found. The dump however yielded a no 2 shirt, and some dizzy paper. Someone offered to trade me parlor wallpaper for the plesio torso, since I had nowhere to sell it I agreed. The wallpaper didn't suit my taste but I was stuck with it, since Tom was closed. Later on another villager asked about it and traded me ornate wallpaper. The ornate paper wasn't that pretty but it was functional so I used it. I received a letter from Purrl just them with some ornate carpet. Wow how convenient I can't wait until the HRA sees my matched set.

I traded one more salmon for another pear and planted this one as well. You never can be too careful the apple I planted yesterday died. No one else had moved into my village today so I ran around doing errands and receiving a ton of clothing and stationary. It seems everyone was generous today I received presents just from talking to them. Maybe my item luck has something to do with the way I arranged my furniture...

It's still raining as we speak, I hope it lets up no bugs seem to come out when it is raining. Tomorrow is sports day, it would be a shame if it was rained out. Hector also gave me another regal wardrobe now I have 2 matching ones and my clothes don't have to go on the floor anymore. I buried everything I want to sell outside Tom's, he better open tomorrow or I'll have nowhere left to bury.


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