Animal Crossing Ahead v4.0 :: Now with 50% more columns! :: Animal Crossing: Wild World coming December 5th, 2005       // Used on the texture generator page function buttonDown( event ) { if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape'||navigator.appName=='Mozilla Firefox') button=event.which; if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') button = event.button; } function buttonUp( event ) { button = 0; }     _uacct = "UA-137384-1"; urchinTracker();        Animal Crossing: Wild World is now available in stores across North America!      News Staff Link to us Contact us AXA Forums AXA IRC Chat     Articles Blanca Faces Buddy Icons Code Checker Diaries e-Reader Cards Fan Art Music and Mp3s Textures Theme Contest Town Tunes Toys Wallpapers     Information Characters Collection Guide Event Guide Face Guide Feng Shui HRA Guide Island Guide Local Places Master Item List NES Games Pitfall Screenshots Special Characters Tips & Tricks Wishing Well     Information Characters Collection Guide Expansion Guide Face Guide Features Feng Shui Hairstyle Guide HRA Guide Hybrid Guide Master Item List Paintings Screenshots Special Characters Tips and Tricks Wi-Fi Guide     Feng Shui Guide  Feng Shui is back in Animal Crossing: Wild World. Old school Animal Crossing players may have realized that although many aspects are similar to Animal Crossing (GCN), there are a few new aspects to the art of arranging your room. Although every piece of furniture in Animal Crossing: Wild World has a Feng Shui color, certain colors apply to placement, and others apply to HRA bonuses. For more information on how Feng Shui works, read through the guide below.

 What is Feng Shui? Animal Crossing: Wild World Feng Shui is based on an actual concept of harmoniously arranging one's room. The American Heritage Dictionary lists the following definition: "The Chinese art or practice of positioning objects, especially graves, buildings, and furniture, based on a belief in patterns of yin and yang and the flow of chi that have positive and negative effects." Although this definition may be the oversimplification of the year (and we highly recommend Wikipedia's article on Feng Shui if you're interested in learning more) there's not much more to Animal Crossing Feng Shui aside from arranging certain colored items in particular positions or quantities.

 In Animal Crossing, furniture items each have two Feng Shui colors. Feng Shui colors do not necessarily correspond to the item's outward appearance. Items may also possess two of the same Feng Shui colors (ex., the Froggy Chair, which has 2 x Green Feng Shui). Although there are eleven Feng Shui colors (black, blue, brown, colorful, gray, green, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow), only red, yellow, and green items can effect your luck. All other colors are used to calculate HRA Color Bonuses. This is discussed in more detail in the HRA Guide. Animals sometimes ask for items of a specific color; it is the Feng Shui colors listed above that they are referring to.

 Items that have red, yellow, and green Feng Shui colors should be ideally placed in corresponding red, yellow, and green areas of the room. Using the main room of your Animal Crossing: Wild World house as an example, assume that the entrance from the outside is the "southern" side of the room. Green items should be placed in this area of the room. The eastern part of the room is considered red, and the western side is considered yellow. Red and yellow items should be placed there respectively.

 So why do we care about placement? Well, first and foremost, proper placement of red, yellow, and green items will earn you a HRA Placement Bonus (different from the HRA Color Bonus). Perhaps more significantly, proper Feng Shui placement will improve your in-game luck. Players may notice that correct placement of items will increase the chance of them receiving rare items from their villager, and increased bell rewards when running errands.

 Some items may have "double" values of placement colors, else two placement colors. Feng Shui items with double values placed on the proper color will count as if it were two items placed on that color. Items that have two different values will also count as two items (of their respective colors) if they are placed in corners (see diagrams below to see which spaces in your home count as two colors). Some items have a special lucky property regardless of where they are placed in your home. Items that have "special" Feng Shui and a placement value (such as the Lucky Cat) will count as special Feng Shui and as one placement for that color if placed appropriately.

 As a general rule, it is not a good idea to have the front side of furniture facing walls or usable items blocked. It is unclear how this affects Feng Shui.

 Items without an Feng Shui placement color can be placed anywhere in the room. These items will not alter your luck. In rooms that are 6x6 and larger, there areas of the room that have no Feng Shui color whatsoever. Items that have a Feng Shui value placed in these spots will not affect your luck.

 In Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Gamecube, you could place orange items on the northern side of the room (and there were respective orange spaces for these items). There are no such spaces in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

 To determine what Feng Shui color your furniture has, consult the Master Item List.

 How Feng Shui Evolves Feng Shui bonuses apply throughout your home, but placement spots change as you expand over time. The digrams below indicate which parts of your home are under the influence of various Feng Shui colors. Coordinate Feng Shui colored items to match the appropriate colored square.  Placement for Different Sized Rooms   4x46x68x8       Special Items Listed below is a list of items that have "special" Feng Shui properties. That is to say, you will receive "luck" from these items regardless of where they are placed in the house. These items also have an additional HRA value.

  Lucky Items   ArwingGarden Gnome  Lucky Cat Raccoon Figurine  Big Festive TreeIvory Piano Master Sword Samurai Suit  Birthday CakeJack-in-the-Box  Music Box  Scarab Beetle  DracaenaLefty Lucky Cat  Piggy Bank  Treasure Chest  Festive TreeLovely Phone Pikmin Triforce  Four-Leaf CloverLucky Black Cat Portrait Washer/Dryer     

 Credits This guide was compiled by Jess. Credit to Moose, pNin01, and Tuba for contributions and research that confirmed information in the Official Nintendo Power Guide to Animal Crossing: Wild World. Special thanks to Liquefy for providing information about new Feng Shui colors. Graphical credits go to Crowster.

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