
Wild World Collection Page Launched | Posted by Jess on November 30, 2005 @ 4:26 PM EST | Today we launch a brand new page in the Animal Crossing: Wild World section. If you click on the Collections link you'll see that we've posted a guide to fish and insects. There are lots of new creatures in this game, and some old ones that are absent. Thankfully, Nook has decided to give us 160 bells a sea bass this time around. |
Animal Crossing: Wild World Guide Update | Posted by Jess on November 29, 2005 @ 10:45 PM EST | Nintendo's Online Store has taken down the notification on their site that indicates the Wild World Guide will not ship until the week December 5th, suggesting (to us, at least) that it may now be shipping earlier. Indeed, many online retailers changed the shipping date to November 29th (today) and various individuals who have pre-ordered the guide have reported getting shipping notices. It may be worth checking stores tomorrow to see if anyone has got it in. |
IGN Screens and Videos | Posted by Totey on November 29, 2005 @ 10:26 PM EST | The guys over at IGN have updated with impressions on AC:WW. They also have new screenshots, and a video detailing the first 20 minutes of the game. Check it out! |
1up.com Contest Winners | Posted by Jess on November 29, 2005 @ 3:04 PM EST | The ten winners of the 1up.com win an early copy of Animal Crossing contest have been announced at the following URL: http://animallife.1up.com/. Winners should be sure to contact 1up immediately in order to claim their prize. Congrats to all the winners! We hope to see your blogs up soon. |
IGN Contest Winners | Posted by Jess on November 28, 2005 @ 10:32 PM EST | Here are the IGN handles of the ten people who won the early copy of Animal Crossing at IGN: -KN-, cLEARsILVER, giannim, jordan122345, jscro, KevarX, kokirikory, MammaMia12, ngc123, and Zer0_Digits.
Congratulations to all the winners! They should be receiving their free copies in the mail sometime tomorrow.
Animal Crossing: Wild World Commercials | Posted by Jess on November 28, 2005 @ 6:28 PM EST | A few people have reported seeing American Animal Crossing: Wild World commercials that involve people wearing large animal heads. So far, the station to keep an eye on appears to be Comedy Central. |
New staff members | Posted by Crowster on November 28, 2005 @ 6:01 PM EST | First up is Andrew, signing on as an ATB mod on the forums. Secondly, please welcome Agamerslife, who is signing on as an ATB mod as well as AXA webstaff! Congratulations you two, I'm sure you will help make AXA a better place for all. |
Animal Crossing: Wild World Player's Guide | Posted by Jess on November 28, 2005 @ 6:00 PM EST | There's been a lot of confusion over the release date of the Animal Crossing: Wild World Player's Guide. It was originally slated to be shipped last week, but many of us who have preordered it or have been checking stores regularly found that it never arrived. Additionally, online sites continue to move back their shipping dates. So what's the deal? Well, as it stands, it seems that the guide will not be released until the week of December 5th. Responses from Nintendo claim that they're not entirely sure when it will ship, but the ballpark is around the time when the game comes out.
You can pre-order the Wild World Strategy Guide at Nintendo's online store. |
Animal Crossing: Wild World Face Guide Up | Posted by Jess on November 28, 2005 @ 12:06 AM EST | If you take a gander at the Animal Crossing: Wild World section, you will notice that there's a brand new link: the AC:WW face guide. Special thanks to the following people for making this happen: Kaje for submitting and collecting information, rupan777 for translations, Angevin02 for translations and game testing, and last but not least, to Crowster for making the lovely images.
Go and check it out! |
Staff Page Update | Posted by Totey on November 27, 2005 @ 3:11 PM EST | The staff page has gotten a makeover and lists each staff member for our IRC Channel, the website, and the Animal Crossing Forums in handy chart form. |
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