
Nsider AC:WW Fan Art Contest | Posted by Jess on January 16, 2006 @ 5:06 PM EST | A while back I posted about a contest going on at NSider Forums, Nintendo of America's official forums. The lovely Nsider moderator *HEN* hosts a fan art contest every month. This last month the theme was Animal Crossing: Wild World.
The winner of the contest gets his or her art published in a forthcoming issue of Nintendo Power. I'm just posting to remind all of you to get your entries in--the contest is over on the 18th!
For more details about this contest, click here: Nsider Fan Art Contest. |
Special Character Guide for AC:WW | Posted by Jess on January 14, 2006 @ 7:50 PM EST | We have a new addition to our Animal Crossing: Wild World section as of a few moments ago. If you check the side bar menu, you'll see the brand new link to the Special Character Guide. This guide is for all the non-villager characters that appear in Animal Crossing: Wild World and events related to them.
Thank you to all the AC:WW Researchers who contributed information to this guide. To see who participated, check the guide credits. An extra special thank you to Liquefy who provided large amounts of information used in this guide. |
Forum Happenings | Posted by Anjou on January 14, 2006 @ 3:53 PM EST | Translated from the Turtlese:
Howdy, folks! It's your friendly neighborhood reptile! I just wanted to let you know about some of the fun things going on at the Animal Crossing Forums.
Right now Jess is conducting research on Redd's tent and forgeries. There's been a lot of good posts from the very active AC:WW Researchers usergroup. Everyone's been having a lot of fun too! If you're interested in helping out, go and apply for the usergroup!
For all you talented artists, JoeSunrider holds a very awesome texture contest every week. Check out the texture forum for more information. Not artistically inclined? No problem! Come and vote on some of the textures entered in this week's contest!
There's also been a lot of interesting diaries posted to the diary forum. Right now, I'm the only one writing diaries for the site. I hear that AXA staffers are looking for someone to write a new diary feature too... If you want to show off your writing skills, the diary forum is a great place to start!
Turtle out! |
Beautiful Crow-Images of art | Posted by Crowster on January 12, 2006 @ 11:43 PM EST | From this point forward, whenever you check out the collection guides for either Animal Crossing or Animal Crossing: Wild World, you will see that each collection category has its own icon now, drawn by yours truly. Enjoy the beautification. |
Hybrid Update | Posted by Jess on January 12, 2006 @ 5:49 PM EST | AXA user SlayThem has reported that a yellow x yellow tulip cross will yield a black tulip. AXA user Liquefy confirmed this by checking in an Oideyo Doubutsu no Mori guide. Stoatmax1994 also reported this hybrid over email. As a result, the hybrid guide has been updated to reflect this new discovery.
Red x red tulips yield black tulips too, so no worries if you started a plot based on our guide. What was up before was correct--we just missed this alternate way of breeding black tulips! |
HRA Guide Up | Posted by Jess on January 12, 2006 @ 5:30 PM EST | HRA scoring is a bit different in Animal Crossing: Wild World than it was in Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Gamecube. Due to popular request, we've posted information that will help you get high HRA scores for Animal Crossing: Wild World. The page can be checked out by clicking here. Hope you enjoy!
Nintendo mails NA users the first present! | Posted by Jess on January 12, 2006 @ 1:07 PM EST | Dark Masamune posted to our boards earlier today to let us know that if you connect to the Nintendo WFC you'll get a special present in the mail. However, you MUST have downloads from Nintendo activated. If you don't have these downloads activated or are not sure if you do--pick up the phone in your save room and check your settings.
After you have connected successfully to the WFC, you will immediately find a letter from "S. Iwata" in your mailbox. The letter reads as follows:
"Dear (name),
I hope you are enjoying your Nintendo DS. Please accept this New Year's gift with my gratitude.
From S. Iwata"
The gift is a coin from Super Mario Bros. Some of you may remember this item from Animal Crossing Gamecube. Special codes were printed in Nintendo Power to access these items. Likely this gift will only be given out for a limited amount of time, so make sure you wi-fi as soon as possible!
In other news, Chrono updated the Animal Crossing Gamecube Master Item List to match the Animal Crossing: Wild World one. Thanks, Chrono! |
Animal Crossing: Wild World Master Item List | Posted by Jess on January 10, 2006 @ 2:28 PM EST | This afternoon, Chrono finished writing up a searchable master item list for Animal Crossing: Wild World.
At some point in the near future, the searchable items database will be updated for Animal Crossing (GCN) as well. Enjoy! |
I Aer Teh Lamez0r | Posted by Joe Sunrider on January 10, 2006 @ 3:28 AM EST | So I forgot to put up the texture contests yesterday. I rectify the situation by doing them today.
Congrats to Zeotronic Red for winning last week's Freehand contest with his Diceland's Finest texture.
This week, in addition to the Freehand Contest, we finally have the Ripped Contest running!
Go vote, and keep sending in those textures! |
Animal Crossing: Wild World Research Project | Posted by Jess on January 9, 2006 @ 9:52 PM EST | If you're already a member of the Animal Crossing Forums you might already know that we are currently researching information to produce a "Perfect Town" guide. If you're interested in helping out, make sure you have a forum account and apply for the "AC:WW Researchers" usergroup. Credit will be given to participants.
Got a guide you'd like to see on the site? Start some research in the research forum yourself. Hope to see you soon! |
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