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DS Forum Open
Posted by Jess on August 22, 2005 @ 11:30 AM EST
So, if you've visited the AC Forums in the past few months, you've probably visited a forum called "The Future of Animal Crossing" which was devoted to all forthcoming versions of AC. Yesterday, we decided that Animal Crossing DS merited its own forum, apart from rumored titles such as Animal Crossing Revolution. So, head on down to the forums and feel free to have a long talk about Animal Crossing DS in its shiny new forum!

Images abound!
Posted by AquaDoctorBob on August 20, 2005 @ 10:57 PM EST
The Animal Crossing DS Screenshots page has been updated with about 20 new AC DS images. It appears that the texture-drawing system has been redesigned from the one shown at E3 2004.

I'd also like to point out that with the AC DS release date being as uncertain as it is, the countdown timer on the right over there is merely an approximation. For those who don't feel like calculating it out, it's set to November 21st, 2005. Don't be surprised if it changes in the near future.

Will AC DS be pushed back to 2006?
Posted by Jess on August 20, 2005 @ 9:50 PM EST
In the wake of the German Games Convention, there have been rumors that Animal Crossing DS will be pushed back to sometime in 2006 in order to develop a microphone related feature. These rumors begin to gain more credibility as a recent interview with Jim Merrick (Nintendo's European Head of Marketing) contains the following curious excerpt:

PN: What is happening with Animal Crossing, now with a 2006 release date?

JM: In Europe, it has always been 2006, so there's no change for us...

Speculations abound--just who is there a change for? Or was this simply a poor choice of words? Last we heard from NOA (at Camp Hyrule this past week) it's still slated for 2005. Here's hoping.

To see the full text of the interview with Jim Merrick, which has some interesting information on the Wi-Fi network, click here.

My Top-Secret Project
Posted by AquaDoctorBob on August 17, 2005 @ 9:13 PM EST
For the past few weeks, I've been programming things for the site, such as the Code Checker -- but only now can I tell you about the top-secret project I've been working on!

The AXA Texture system is being completely redesigned. No more need to download templates and fill in pixels with Microsoft Paint (apologies to TheLivingRobot). You'll soon be able to draw your textures online using a handy Javascript interface I wrote from scratch (except for the flood fill code). I'm very proud of it, as you can tell. :)

You'll be able to save your textures to the texture database for everyone to see. Browsing the list will be a breeze, allowing you to sort by author or title, or search the whole database.

Clicking on a texture in the list will bring you to the texture viewer, which dynamically renders your texture using the GD library. If you want to print your texture or are having a bit of trouble telling one color from the next, don't panic -- just click the printer icon to see your texture in grid form.

Some of us in the AXA IRC channel have known about this for a while, and we've been hard at work converting every texture from the old database to the new one--yes, by hand. There are a couple more features I'd like to add before I launch the system, but stay tuned.

I apologize for the long post, but I've been dying to blab about all this for quite a while now. Get ready for an interactive AXA!

Camp Hyrule Update
Posted by Jess on August 17, 2005 @ 4:23 PM EST
For those of you wondering what's been going on at Camp Hyrule (at least, AC DS-wise) you haven't been missing very much. Thus far, the camp is pretty much centered around the forthcoming Zelda title and games like the soon-to-be-released Nintendogs. The only word on AC DS thus far has been in chat. NOA staff only confirmed that the game is planned for Q4 2005.

Well, there's still hopes that events later this week will feature some Animal Crossing tidbit. There are mysterious animal prints showing up all over the campsite, so cross your fingers and hope for more updates!

AC DS voice interactive?
Posted by Jess on August 17, 2005 @ 1:22 PM EST
Various sites and messageboards have been speculating about the presence of the headset/microphone icon with the ACDS listing in the German Nintendo Catalogue issued for the Games Convention. While this may simply mean that the game has features similar to Warioware (in which there were mini-games that utilized the microphone) others have wondered if Wi-Fi will allow them to chat with other users. If you have more information about the use of the microphone feature, email me at Watch this space for more updates.

The Diary of a DS-Addicted Turtle
Posted by Jess on August 16, 2005 @ 10:01 PM EST
If I may direct you to the right hand column of the site you'll notice that one of our new features is now online. This is just a preview of Anjou's diary to tide you over until Animal Crossing comes out later in the year. Expect to hear more from her in the future. Until then, enjoy the sample!

Nintendo DS Price Drop!
Posted by Anjou on August 16, 2005 @ 4:41 PM EST
erjit m3o5n oin irnh r4m itnm orgtrnmh yrm pomt6om mgorm oromoi 4544 weeeeeeeee ynr5in tionh in nmo egfem otmh otmh otm otm omm hitnhoit nitkhm m ko

nriy ior

Translation from Turtlese: As of August 21st, Nintendo is dropping the price of the DS system to 129.99 USD. This is good news for those who have been saving up for the system, especially since local retailers may offer an additional discount on new and used systems. A pretty good deal if you can find a Walmart that still stocks the cobalt blue version packaged with Super Mario 64, no?

Turtle out!

Wi-Fi Guide Up
Posted by Jess on August 16, 2005 @ 4:13 PM EST
Well, Totey's been at it again and he's produced a Wi-Fi guide for all the AXAers who've been wondering how it's going to work. Check out the link in the DS section!

The Forums Return!
Posted by Nickolis on August 15, 2005 @ 2:53 PM EST
After a horribly long downtime during which I was not always sitting at my computer working on the forums, but constantly thinking about it, the forums are fixed. I also took the time to update some of the code, hoping for faster and more secure forums.

If you aren't a member of our forums yet, just click on the top blue image on your right, and REGISTER!

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