
Anyone got an update? | Posted by Jess on December 18, 2005 @ 5:39 PM EST | We're being kept very busy validating all the nice textures that you're submitting this weekend. That's okay--keep 'em coming. I'd just like to remind everyone to keep their entries CLEAN and family friendly. People who abuse the texture system will end up getting banned. Not to mention that all textures must be approved by a moderator first, so there's really no point in submitting anything that will just be deleted anyway, hmm?
We already have a few entries for the theme contest where the prize is these cute little guys. To enter the contest, you must be a member of the Animal Crossing Forums.
That little Kapp'n is just too cute! |
New Texture System Launched | Posted by AquaDoctorBob on December 16, 2005 @ 7:52 PM EST | It's about time!
The new texture system I've been working on behind the scenes is finally done! You can now draw your own textures online, and when you click Save, they'll appear in the texture gallery, which is sortable and searchable. Looking for something Hyrulean for your village? Can't get enough of those Green Knight clothes? The texture gallery makes it easy to find just the thing you're looking for.
When you make a texture, it won't appear in the list right away. All of our textures are screened by moderators, just to make sure they're E-Rated and family friendly. Once it's approved, you can show everyone your creations with the texture viewer. You can even print your texture to help you transfer it to Animal Crossing or AC: Wild World.
We've been working on this for quite a long time, and I'm really proud to see it finally up and running. I'd like to give a special thanks to Jess, Mr.Cool, Chrono, Agamerslife, Lionheart2K4, Totey, and everyone else who contributed a helping hand during the project's development. Don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if you have any comments or questions.
Human out! :) |
New Sig/Av Theme Contest! | Posted by Lionheart2K4 on December 16, 2005 @ 4:18 PM EST | Hey kids! It's the internet's finest Lionheart2K4 here once again to inform you of some happenings on the forums! We're having another signature/avatar theme contest! This time the theme is Animal Crossing: Wild World (who would've guessed?)! Top prize is a special title, the right to display the trophy icon in their signature... oh and did I mention an Animal Crossing action figure? Yeah! Pretty exciting, high stakes! Check out this thread for more details on the rules and all that jazz. Good luck to everyone, I can't wait to see the entries! |
Tips and Tricks (AC:WW) | Posted by Jess on December 16, 2005 @ 1:28 PM EST | I've just put up a list of tricks and tips for Animal Crossing: Wild World. You can find the page under the AC:WW section, or by clicking here.
Thanks to all the Animal Crossing: Wild World Researchers who contributed information. Want to join the research group? Sign up for an account at the Animal Crossing Forums and join the AC:WW Researchers usergroup. |
Brand New Poll... | Posted by Anjou on December 15, 2005 @ 11:38 PM EST | Translated from the Turtlese:
...Starring li'l old me! That's right, this week the poll is about my diaries (which you can check out here). Haven't read them yet? Why not? Read them already? Well, vote right away and show me your looooooove!
Turtle out! |
Wooo, hairstyles update! | Posted by Jess on December 15, 2005 @ 11:07 PM EST | Crow completed two more images for the hairstyles guide. The last two should be completed in the next day or so. Keep watching the site! We'll let you know when it's all done. (Personally, I think the pigtails are cute!) |
NOA_Shaun's Animal Crossing Diaries | Posted by Jess on December 15, 2005 @ 9:30 PM EST | I will never understand NOA_Shaun's obsession with pickles (and yes, I fear the pickle army at NSider) but I do understand his obsession with Animal Crossing: Wild World. If you check out Nintendo Nsider Forums you'll see that NOA_Shaun is posting a daily blog of his Animal Crossing activities. Go check it out here. |
And yet another hairstyle... | Posted by Jess on December 14, 2005 @ 12:52 PM EST | Crow is working slowly but surely on drawing new hairstyles. In fact, there's a brand new hairstyle added to the hairstyle page as of... oh, three minutes ago. We'll get those others up soon. |
New DS Addicted Turtle Diary | Posted by Anjou on December 13, 2005 @ 12:56 PM EST | Translated from the Turtlese:
I've been getting lots of emails asking when I was going to write my new diary. Yeah, yeah yeah. I've been busy. Hey, turtles get busy too! Er, well...maybe I was obsessively playing Animal Crossing: Wild World this entire time. So what? It's not like you weren't. Anyway, if you want to check out my new diary, click here.
Turtle out! |
Wi-fi working again | Posted by Jess on December 12, 2005 @ 3:17 PM EST | Nintendo wi-fi appears to be working properly again now. Hooray for such a speedy correction! Go Nintendo!
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