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AXA's IRC Channel RULES#Megadoomer is an E-Rated channel, meaning content should be appropriate for all ages at all times. Code of ConductUsers should... � Follow the regular forums rules � Be friendly and pleasant. � Be helpful. � Be respectful. We expect users to think about others when they chat in the channel. If you think something might be offensive to others just don�t do it. Please do not enter into confrontation with other users, it creates an unfriendly environment for all users in the channel and is not the kind of environment we want for our members. If you have an issue with another member please try and sort it out in PM or ask for assistance from a channel operator. We are here to enforce the rules; don�t try to enforce them for us by mini modding, it just causes unnecessary confrontation. If staff members don�t appear to be acting on inappropriate behaviour feel free to give us a nudge via PM or by saying our names. Users should... � Try to be a good conversationalist. � Use common sense. � Try to use proper English People will be more friendly and more willing to enter into conversations with you if you speak politely with a good standard of English and if you talk about something of interest rather than coming into the channel and saying things like ... �Speak to me� �ur all boring� �u suck�. Try to start a conversation, even just asking someone how they are today can be a good way to start. 1337 and other forms of chat speak are frowned upon, however, acronyms such as lol are fine. Please do not spam with caps or any other form of spam, its boring and annoying for others and will result in you being banned from the channel. A Friendly Environment #Megadoomer is an e-rated channel, this means that we want the content to be suitable for all ages, please do not say or post anything vulgar or inappropriate for a family environment, this includes double entendres and self censoring foul language. If you feel the need to curse, try to find a more eloquent thing to say ... you will find your vocabulary expands. Links to Other Sites or Channels Because we want to keep the channel suitable for all, we cannot allow users to post links to sites such as YouTube, Newgrounds, MySpace, YTMND, last.FM, or 4chan. All of these sites, whilst entertaining, often have inappropriate images or language on them and staff cannot check every link. You can ask someone in PM if they would like to see a particular link, just not openly in the channel. Please note that the list of sites above is not an exhaustive list. Because of the e-rated nature of #megadoomer we cannot allow people to advertise their own channels in #megadoomer. Whilst we have no issues with users making their own channels and having their own rules, or users joining other channels, often these rules do not match with the environment we want for our members and so we ask that if you must invite people to your own channels, do it via the PM feature. This does not mean you can spam everybody with PM messages. If you ask once, please do not do so again. PM harrassment is taken very seriously. Other General Conduct While we do encourage people to experiment with user-scripts, please think of others before using them. E.g. Please do not include parts in your scripts which say the name of/beep random users in the channel. This tends to aggravate people, especially if they are AFK/busy. Furthermore, try to keep how many lines your scripts output to less than three lines. Also, if your script is something that other users can activate (like '!fortune', etc.), we ask that the other users do not use/activate it to the point of being spammy (this is on a case-by-case basis, staff will use their judgment and speak up if things get out of hand). Please do not steal other peoples �names�. It is against the rules to steal someone else's nickname and then ghost them. It causes unnecessary aggravation and will result in you, yourself, being punished. If you accidentally use someone else�s name a staff member may ask you to change it. If this is requested please do so promptly. Bans/Warnings/Kicks If you are punished for breaking the rules, please do not come into the channel and start questioning the rules. The same applies for if you think another user's punishment was unjust. All this serves to do is to upset the other users, annoy staff and generally cause unnecessary chaos and prevent staff from carrying out their role. Staff members should always try to explain your punishment to you but will not enter into arguments about whether it was fair or not. If a staff member has given out a punishment they have done it for a reason. If you feel it is unfair please contact an administrator of the channel and they will listen to you and try and explain further and gain some resolution. If you are banned in #megadoomer it will result in a ban on the forums also because the two are intertwined. If you wouldn�t do/say something on the forums, don�t do it in #megadoomer. Staff should... � Be friendly and pleasant. � Be helpful. � Be respectful. We will always do our best to deal with users in a professional manner and will not be drawn into confrontations. We will do our best to help users and respect their views. However, this does not mean we will change the rules from user suggestions. We have the rules for a reason and they have had a lot of thought and experience put into them. The rules are not open for discussion. Staff members are busy enough and should not be bombarded with people complaining about the rules. If you don�t like the rules, you don�t have to come into #megadoomer. There are many other places you can chat that have more relaxed rules. Staff should... � Explain Reasons for Punishment � Give Warnings � Uphold the Rules Wherever possible we will explain why you were punished and will always give a warning before kicking or banning. However, in severe circumstances where extremely vulgar or inappropriate behaviour is noticed staff members reserve the right to permanently ban a member with no warning or further discussion for the protection of our other members. We are here to uphold the rules, we are not here to be abused by users when they feel like it. Any user harassing a staff member because of a decision will be given a permanent ban. Remember that staff are users too, not just unfeeling robots, we are just doing our job and it is not a personal vendetta against you. What to Expect if You Step Outside of the Rules If a staff member considers that you are behaving inappropriately (whether that particular behaviour is covered in the rules or not) you will receive a friendly warning. If you continue you are likely to receive a less friendly warning. If you still continue you will be kicked and if you still do not stop with the behaviour you will be banned for one week from both the forums and IRC. If you are banned for a week and return with the same attitude you will receive a two week ban, the third time you return after a ban and consistently break the rules you will be permanently banned from both the forums and #megadoomer. Again, if you think the ban has been unjust please contact an administrator of the chat (shurst2004 or kymtendo) and we will discuss it with you, but we will not enter into confrontation with users and will refuse to discuss further if the user is abusive. Some people think that it is a good idea to evade bans and generally harrass #megadoomer staff when they have been banned. This will not be tolerated and server staff will be notified of such behaviour which could result in the user being banned from not only #megadoomer but from the server as well. We hope you enjoy your time in #megadoomer. Our rules are in place to ensure that people of all ages (over 13) can chat in a pleasant and safe environment. If you feel concerned about anything that has occurred in the channel, please don�t hesitate to contact a staff member. We are here to help. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE GUIDELINES, STAFF RESERVE THE RIGHT TO KICK/BAN AS THEY SEE FIT IF SOMETHING ARISES THAT IS NOT EXPLICITLY COVERED IN THE ABOVE LISTED GUIDELINES. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. |