
Holy Expansion Guide, Crow-Man! | Posted by Crowster on January 6, 2006 @ 11:35 PM EST | As some of you may or may not know, the official guide was incorrect about the size of the expansions. According to the guide, your save room was 4x4, and each additional room was 4x4. In reality, the save room is 5x6, and the additional rooms are all 6x6.
Our guide followed the official guide, and so was also incorrect. I have just finished updating the images in our AC:WW house expansion guide to reflect the accurate information. Go check it out. |
Hybrid Guide Up! | Posted by Jess on January 6, 2006 @ 5:30 PM EST | We've gotten a lot of requests to explain flower hybrids ever since zenywolf first caught wind of them at the Digital Life Convention this year. AXA Staff and Researchers have invested a lot of time trying to crossbreed flowers and the result is a brand new hybrid guide.
It's worth taking a look at this guide. There's been a lot of false information and speculations floating around regarding how to produce certain hybrid colors. We've double-checked all these results and are pretty confident that they're correct. Note that not all color combinations were universal to all flower species.
Happy gardening! |
Odds and Ends | Posted by Anjou on January 6, 2006 @ 4:07 PM EST | Translated from the Turtlese:
Before I notify you of various updates, I'd like to thank all the people who wrote fan mail to me at axawebsite@megadoomer.com. You're all such sweethearts!
You might have noticed that there's a new poll up. You also might want to vote. Personally, I haven't seen one of those silly UFOs yet. I guess that I'm not watching the sky often enough.
Oh, and did you know that we have a weekly texture contest? We've been getting so many texture submissions to the site that I thought that some of you might want to also see if your pretty textures can win the weekly prize. Check out the texture forum for more details! (Hey, maybe people should submit their textures of me! I've seen a few of them...)
Turtle out! |
Av/sig contest results! | Posted by Lionheart2K4 on January 4, 2006 @ 1:33 AM EST | This is a bit late and I apologize, but my computer thought it'd be cute to give me heck for a few hours. D:
Anywho... the epic AC:WW sig/av contest is over and done with. Now that all the smoke has cleared and the dust has settled, I'm proud to announce that the winner is Gemm! Congratulations! Your special title is up and your AC figures are on the way. Before you know it, your winning combo will be put in here too. =)
Well, that's all for this contest. Thanks again to everyone who entered and I hope everyone enters the next one. Got a cool idea for a theme? Send me a private message on the forums.
Bye bye. |
New DS Addicted Turtle | Posted by Anjou on January 3, 2006 @ 8:04 PM EST | Translated from the Turtlese:
I can't believe how much mail I got asking for a new diary update! Can't a turtle take a break over New Year's? Anyway, because I love you all I posted a new diary today. You can look at it by clicking here. Until next time...!
Turtle out! |
Up to my eyeballs in textures! | Posted by Joe Sunrider on January 2, 2006 @ 11:18 PM EST | The lovely and talented Lionheart2K4 swept last week's texture contest with his Ghostbusters texture, capturing 54% of the vote!
This week we have a whopping 9 entries, so go vote!
If you want in on some of this fame and awesomeness, here's all the information you'll need.
Good luck to all! |
Post-New Year Updates | Posted by Jess on January 2, 2006 @ 5:53 PM EST | Welcome to 2006! We took a break for a few days, but we have some brand new updates for you today.
First, an email submitter named Josh sent us confirmation that boys can establish a relationship with Harriet and receive girls' haircuts. Josh's pictures are now up on the hairstyle guide page.
I also added some tips to the tips and tricks page. Guess what--we finally found a good way to catch bees! So for all of you who wrote in over the holidays asking how it was done the answer is now posted. Major kudos goes to Squirtle for figuring this out.
I was able to catch a bee on the first try, anyway. ;) |
Record breaking activity | Posted by Crowster on January 2, 2006 @ 5:04 PM EST | Just moments ago, we hit a milestone on the forums. We broke the "most users ever online" record. The old one was set back in 2002 or 2003.
Our new record is as follows.
Most users ever online was 146 on Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:59 pm
It's official. With the release of AC:WW, we are now busier than ever! |
New Hairstyle Discovery | Posted by Jess on December 28, 2005 @ 11:37 PM EST | Mega-kudos to Haruu for discovering if you establish a relationship with Harriet (the hairdresser who runs the Shampoodle) she'll offer to give you boy's haircuts if you're a girl. More information about this can be found on the hairstyles page. Haruu was kind enough to provide pictures of her character, too. Go check it out! |
The Future of Textures IS IN YOUR HAND! | Posted by Joe Sunrider on December 26, 2005 @ 11:39 AM EST | Sup ninjas, just a reminder to vote on this week's texture contest!
And hey, as long as you're there, why not whip something up for next week's contest? You could win big! See this forum thread for details! |
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