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Wishing Well Guide

For those of you are confused as to why your local well babbles nonsense at you, we've produced a guide to make life easier. The Wishing Well can be pretty confusing, but ultimately, deciphering what it wants is the only way to get your hands on that elusive golden axe. It's a shame that you really have no use for it once you've humored the well, but if you're a completist, it's a must have. Anyway, here's the how-to on the most asked after part of the game. Enjoy!

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The Messages of Doom

This is a key to what the Wishing Well wants when it says those various cryptic phrases that make us all go "Huh?"

"Yes..yes. Things feel as they should. This is certainly a satisfactory level of prosperity..but with just a little more effort, things could be even better."

Chances are your tree levels are right but you may need to thin them out a bit to achieve a perfect rating.

"Things aren't too bad...but with just a little more care and attention, everything would be much, much better."

This message means you have a slight weed problem. It is not as bad as it could be, but it's getting there.

"When there are too many weeds...and acres in need of care and attention...a town feels very unsettled."

This is a more severe weed message. The solution is blissfully simple, pull those weeds.!

It appears that things fare well,by and large. If you were to search out areas where there are too many, or not enough, trees...then thngs would be faring even better."

Thin your trees out more so they are not touching at all. Plant more trees in sparse areas and cut them down in thickly wooded areas. Dig up any wilted trees or stumps.

"Trees are things of extraordinary beauty but too many trees..."

The well will mention an acre. Simply cut down a few trees until you no longer get that message. It has been suggested that having over 16 trees triggers this message.

"In areas where there is little green...a feeling of despair overshadows all else..."

The well will mention an acre. Simply plant more trees until you no longer get this message. It has been suggested that having less than 9 trees in an acre triggers this message.

"...too many weeds"

This message unlike the other weed messages supplies an acre. It seems to indicate taht there are more than 3 weeds in that acre. Might as well pull them all while you're at it.

"Everything is perfect! [town] is a very livable place."

Congratulations, now keep it that way.


Thinning Trees

A common problem preventing perfect town status is trees that are too close together. These trees can be next to each other in any direction, even diagonally. If you cannot dig a hole on every side of the tree then the other tree is too close to it. You can easily check by walking in a circle around the tree. Note: it is possible to get a perfect rating and still have trees touching, but it is more unlikely.

Stumps and Wilted Trees

No one is sure exactly how stumps factor into the perfect town guide but they do not have a positive effect and should therefore be removed. Wilted Trees appear to count as weeds. They seem to negatively impact your town and should eb removed also.

Partially Grown Trees and Healthy Sprouts

Partially grown trees and healthy sprouts seem to increase your tree count. It is unknown how trees that are stuck at a certain stage of growth affect your perfect rating, it sometimes seems to make no difference but why take the chance.


Having more than 30 weeds in your town will prevent you from having a perfect rating. More than 2 or 3 weeds in an acre can have the same effect. New weeds appear every day and should be pulled. Your best bet is to just get rid of all the weeds you can.


Flowers are not necessary to have a perfect condition. It appears that they may help boost your rating a bit, but trees are the main issue. Flowers do not seem to be as important as originally thought, but they may help a bit. They also make things look nicer and attract bugs so they couldn't hurt.


The tree requirements per acre may not apply to some areas such as, the lake or the area with the 4 houses. No one is sure what acres are exempt or have lesser requirements. There may also be a total required number of trees in town, or a total maximum. However, you must for sure meet the acre requirements.



Items like cans, tires, or boots count as trash. You cannot have trash in your village if you want a perfect rating. The well gives you a message about trash as well. Your best bet would be to sell it to Tom, as the wishing well seems to count trash in the dump as trash in general.

Farley and the axe

If you keep your town perfect for 15 days Farley will show up at the well the next time someone talks to it and give you the golden axe. The golden axe can never break unlike regular axes. Golden Axes are unbuyable and untradable. Enjoy your reward.


HRA ratings and perfect town ratings are not connected. End of story.

How the Well Calculates the Rating

Scoring Some time ago, tcromis posted some information on our boards, which was originally discovered by ArchonBasic at gamefaqs who used trial and error to find out the way perfect towns are scored. This information may not be 100% accurate but it should give you a far better idea of how the perfect town rating works.

The perfect town rating is based on a point system, not on a series of conditions. This means you can make up for the points you lose in some areas by scoring higher in other areas. You need to achieve a score of 14 points to get a perfect rating.

The Acres
In your town there are 30 acres, 20 of these are normal acres, and 10 of these are special acres. The following are special acres: the lake, the well, your houses, the train station, the museum, and the five beach acres. Every other acre without exception is considered to be a normal acre.

Acre Scoring System

Normal Acres:
11 Trees or less = 0 Points
12-14 Trees = 1 Point
15 or more trees = 0 Points

Special Acres:
9-11 Trees = 1 Point
12-14 Trees = 2 Points
15-17 Trees = 1 Point
18 or more Trees = 0 Points

Weeds and Flowers
One flower cancels out one weed. Otherwise weeds can give you negative points. The details are very complex and it is easier just to pull out every weed you see anyway. You get no points for flowers other than them cancelling out weeds.

Stunted/Shrivelled/Touching Trees
The well imposes no penalty for these trees and continues to count them toward your total for that acre. Unlike previously thought you can achieve a perfect rating and still have trees that are diagonally touching. While you may want to thin them out for ease of movement, you do not have to to get the golden axe. Trees can also be next to fences, rocks, and buildings without a negative impact.

If you would like to read the full (unsummarized) version of the guide AXA is currently hosting a copy. Click here to read it.

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