Special Characters - Chip

Chip is a beaver who holds fishing tourneys in your town and can be found outside the town hall. To take part in a tourney you need to speak to Chip who will give you a fishing rod if you do not have one already and ask you to catch fish for him. The aim is to catch a bigger fish than your villagers or sometimes to catch a particular type of fish.

February, April, October, December � Second Saturday � Any fish
Reward � Gold Trophy

January, March, May, November � Third Saturday � Specific Fish
Reward � Silver Trophy

The Trophy will be mailed to you the next day, should you win and the winner will be displayed on the town�s notice board.

All fish you handed into Chip will not be returned and will be eaten my Chip for �measuring�. However, if you give him a fish that is larger than the largest fish submitted so far, you will receive a random piece of furniture. These pieces of furniture will not be spotlight Items in Nook�s or Redd�s shops.

If you have a big fish, such as a shark, keep it for the tourney and then wait till just before the tourney ends (6pm) and give it to Chip in the last minutes, if you then keep him talking till after 6pm, 99% of the time you will give him the biggest fish and win the tourney. Often if you give your big fish before this, the villagers will catch a larger one.