Wii Flowers and Hybrids; Weeds and Clover

Every town will start out with a few random flowers growing wild and scattered throughout. One of the first jobs Tom Nook will have you do is to plant more flowers and trees. Flowers make your town look more inviting and are also a great way to increase your odds in making a perfect town.

Flowers may be brought inside your house where they will never die or require water. They can also be carried in your inventory and then worn in your hair or carried in your mouth (roses).

Flowers are fragile and must watered when they wilt or they will die and disappear. Running through a wilted flower or picking it up will destroy it. If you run through any other flower more than once or twice, it will destroy it

In the Wii game, it appears that watering will keep flowers from ever wilting. Research has shown if you take the time to water all flowers daily, you will not have the problem of wilted flowers. More research is being completed and updates will be added as they are available.

Both rain and snow will water your flowers for you making it unnecessary for you to do it.

Weeds and Clover

Every day at least 2 weeds will appear in your town. Clover may also appear in any season but winter. Weeds should be pulled on a daily basis by standing next to them and pressing the �B� button if you are trying to have a perfect town. Clover can be picked the same way. Occasionally, when you pick a clover you will get a luck 4-leaf clover. Put this in your house or wear it for luck!

Obtaining Flowers

A few flowers will appear each new day at 6:00 am in your town. You may also buy flower seed packages from Tom Nook, trade for them with your friends on WiFi, or have your flowers produce new ones from breeding (two flowers producing a spawned flower).

Flower List

This is a comprehensive list of flowers that you may have growing in your town. Some may be available for purchase from Nook's store; other are hybrids and will have to grow on their own.

Name Price
Black Cosmos 240
Black Roses 450
Black Tulip 240
Blue Pansies 240
Blue Roses 2500
Golden Roses 2500
Orange Cosmos 80
Orange Pansies 80
Orange Roses 80
Pink Carnations 500
Pink Cosmos 80
Pink Roses 80
Pink Tulip 80
Purple Pansies 80
Purple Roses 240
Purple Tulip 80
Red Carnations 500
Red Cosmos 40
Red Pansies 40
Red Roses 40
Red Tulips 40
White Carnations 2000
White Cosmos 40
White Pansies 40
White Roses 40
White Tulips 40
Yellow (Sun) Cosmos 40
Yellow Pansies 40
Yellow Roses 40
Yellow Tulips 40

Special Flowers

There are some flowers that you cannot buy from Nook. They will only appear in your town based on certain criteria or by chance. These include: Carnations, Hybrids, Dandelions, Dandelion Puffs, Jacob�s Ladders, and Rafflesia.


Carnations are new to this game and are not available as seeds from Tom Nook. On Mother�s Day you will receive a Pink Carnation in the mail from your Mother. On Father�s Day you will receive a Red Carnation from your Father. When planted side by side or in a diagonal plot these flowers will spawn more Pink or Red Carnations as well as possibly a hybrid of the two. Shown below is a pink carnation.


One of the fun and time-consuming features of this game is the ability to create new flowers or hybrids (ones that are not red, white or yellow), by crossbreeding. Hybrids are not guaranteed even when the conditions are optimal make them a challenge and quite rewarding when they do appear.

In order to get two flowers to cross, you must have two flowers of the same type (ie, two pansies, two roses, etc.) adjacent to one another. If two flowers successfully produce offspring, their child will appear in any of the nine squares that surround either of the two parents. It is important to note that flowers will not reproduce if all of the nine squares surrounding both parents are blocked by obstacles such as trees, rocks, or patterns placed on the ground. As a clarification, it is perfectly okay for some of the spots to be blocked. In fact, to increase the probability of successful hybridization, we encourage users to arrange flowers so that that each flower touches multiple potential breeding partners. Examples of basic successful spawn diagrams are shown below. Red squares indicate parent positions, and blue squares indicate possible children spawns.

You do not need a perfect town to grow hybrids. The best way to maximize hybrids is to eliminate non-matching parents. For example, two white tulips should never be placed adjacent to one another; this will only yield non-hybrid spawns. Hybrid plots should be placed away from obstacles, signs, river edges, and buildings. Maximizing the number of spawn points maximizes your chances of getting a hybrid.

Hybrid Possibilities

Red Rose + Red Rose = Red or Black Rose Black Rose
Red Rose + White Rose = Red, White or Pink Rose Pink Rose
Red Rose + Yellow Rose = Red, Yellow or Orange Rose Orange Rose
White Rose + White Rose = Purple Rose Purple Rose
White Rose + Yellow Rose = White or Yellow Rose None  
Yellow Rose + Yellow Rose = Yellow Rose None  
Black Rose + Purple Rose = Black, Purple or Blue Rose Blue Rose
Wilted Black Rose + Water with Gold Watering Can = Golden Rose Golden Rose
Red Tulip + Red Tulip = Red or Black Tulip Black Tulip
Red Tulip + White Tulip = Red, White or Pink Tulip Pink Tulip
Red Tulip + Yellow Tulip = Red, Yellow or Purple Tulip Purple Tulip
White Tulip + White Tulip = White Tulip None  
White Tulip + Yellow Tulip = White or Yellow Tulip None  
Yellow Tulip + Yellow Tulip = Yellow or Black Tulip Black Tulip
Red Pansy + Red Pansy = Red or Purple Pansy Purple Pansy
Red Pansy + White Pansy = Red or White Pansy None  
Red Pansy + Yellow Pansy = Red, Yellow or Orange Pansy Orange Pansy
White Pansy + White Pansy = White or Blue Pansy Blue Pansy
White Pansy + Yellow Pansy = White or Yellow Pansy None  
Yellow Pansy + Yellow Pansy = Yellow Pansy None  
Red Cosmos + Red Cosmos = Red or Black Cosmos Black Cosmos
Red Cosmos + White Cosmos = Red, White or Pink Cosmos Pink Cosmos
Red Cosmos + Yellow Cosmos = Red, Yellow or Orange Cosmos Orange Cosmos
White Cosmos + White Cosmos = White Cosmos None  
White Cosmos + Yellow Cosmos = White or Yellow Cosmos None  
Yellow Cosmos + Yellow Cosmos = Yellow Cosmos None  
Pink Carnation + Pink Carnation = Pink Carnation None  
Pink Carnation + Red Carnation = Pink, Red or White Carnation White Carnation
Pink Carnation + White Carnation = Pink or White Carnation White Carnation
Red Carnation + Red Carnation + Red Carnation None  
Red Carnation + White Carnation = Red or White Carnation White Carnation
White Carnation + White Carnation = Red, Pink or White Carnation White Carnation

Dandelions and Dandelion Puffs

Dandelions appear randomly in your town during any season other than winter. If you do not pick them after a few days, they will turn into Dandelion Puffs. If you pick a Dandelion Puff and equip it, you can blow on the puff by pressing the �A� button. These flowers do not count as weeds in your town. They do not reproduce.

Here is a photo of a Dandelion:

Jacob's Ladder

Jacob�s Ladders will appear randomly in perfect towns. Often the first indication that you have a perfect town is to come across a lovely Jacob�s Ladder. Jacob�s Ladders will not reproduce even if placed side by side with another. They do count a flowers in your town.

Here is a photo of a Jacob�s Ladder:


Rafflesia appears in towns that are full of weeds. It is a large smelly red flower that cannot be picked or killed by running over it. It does not wilt. Your villagers will complain about this eye sore until you get rid of it. This large smelly flower is only good for attracting flies. The only way to get rid of a Rafflesia is to pull your weeds. Once you have pulled a good number of them, the plant will be wilted the next day and should disappear entirely the day after that.

Here is a photo of a Rafflesia:

Thank you to the following people for donating flowers or allowing us to photograph their flowers:
PerfectInsanity and Eeveevolve: Pink Tulip, and Purple Pansy
Acfreak: Orange Cosmos, Red Carnation and Dandelion
Zach: Purple Tulip, White Carnation and Dandelion Puff
ZimsWhims: all the rest