Special Characters - Joan

Joan is a boar who sells turnips every Sunday morning. You can buy White Turnips from her which you can then sell sometime during the week for hopefully a higher price than you paid for them. They only last for a week and will rot probably about 12am on the following Saturday. Joan will also offer Red Turnip Seeds for 1000 bells but you can only buy one each week. If you plant this seed and water it every day for a week you will get a big red turnip which you can then sell for a profit. If you forget to water your red turnip then it will rot. You can dig your red turnip up earlier but it will be smaller and not make you as much profit.
If your Nook is not buying turnips for a higher price than you paid, ask around your wifi friends and see if their nook�s is offering a higher price. You can take your turnips to their town and sell them.