Special Characters - Pascal

Pascal is an otter who appears on random weekdays on one of your bridges in town.

If you check on your shoreline everyday you may be lucky enough to find a scallop (not a white scallop). If you do find a scallop pick it up and save it for when you see Pascal.

If you have a scallop in your inventory, when you talk to Pascal he will ask for it. When you give it to him he will give you a piece of Pirate Ship Furniture. He will not give you anything for a white scallop, it must be an ordinary scallop. He will then jump into the water and swim off. Only one character in your town will be able to get a prize.

If you speak to Pascal without a scallop he will leave and you will not be able to go back to him with a scallop later, so do not talk to him if you do not have a scallop in your inventory.

Pirate Furniture
Ship Cannon
Ship Compass
Seaview (wall)
Ship Deck (Floor)