Phineas & Party Items

If it isn�t raining or snowing, go to the bus stop in town and catch the buss to The City. On days when it is not raining or snowing, Phineas, the Balloon guy will randomly appear in the city with his Balloon Cart. When he does, you can obtain a balloon, a bunny balloon, a bubble blower or pinwheel from him. Simply walk up to him and talk to him. After his speech, he will give you the option to say: �Gimme.� You can then select a balloon, bunny balloon, bubble blower or pinwheel. You cannot select the color. He will select the color for you. You may only receive one item per day, per character.

Here is a list of the items you can obtain:

Balloons, Pinwheels and Bubble Wands
Blue Balloon
Blue Pinwheel
Bubble Wand
Bunny Blue Balloon
Bunny Cyan Balloon
Bunny Green Balloon
Bunny Indigo Balloon
Bunny Orange Balloon
Bunny Pink Balloon
Bunny Red Balloon
Bunny Yellow Balloon
Cyan Balloon
Cyan Pinwheel
Green Balloon
Green Pinwheel
Indigo Balloon
Indigo Pinwheel
Orange Balloon
Orange Pinwheel
Pink Balloon
Pink Pinwheel
Red Balloon
Red Pinwheel
Yellow Balloon
Yellow Pinwheel