Special Characters - Redd

Redd is a sly fox who owns a dodgy, members only shop in the city. He sells special furniture that is not available elsewhere but also sells comman furniture at vastly inflated prices.

Until you have an invitation, you will not be able to visit Redds store. You can get an invitation to Redd's shop from a villager or from a friend over wifi. To get an invitation from a villager, you must first attempt to get into Redd's shop. Redd will inform you through the closed door that you must have an invitation to gain access to his shop. After you return to your town, you will be approached by a villager within a day or two who offers to send you an invitation through the mail. Once you receive it, go back to Redd's with the invitation. Redd will allow you into his shop and explain that to become a member, you must pay 3,000 Bells. After you pay the fee, you can purchase any of his items.

Every time you make a purchase, you will be given an invitation to send to other people. Mail the invitation to either one of your other characters or your one of your wifi friends and Redd will pay you 1,000 Bells if someone you invite to his store, joins.

Redd restocks his store every Wednesday, with one painting and two other furniture items. If all items in Redd's store are bought, it becomes inaccessible with a note at the door giving the date of the next restock, though Redd will restock even if some items remain unsold from the previous week.

All Redd exclusive Items are available to order through the catalogue at cheaper prices after they have been initially bought from Redd.

Exclusive Redd Items
Exotic Bed - 5,080
Exotic Table - 4,600
Ranch Dresser - 5,440
Ranch Chair - 2,800
Classic Vanity - 5,120
Classic Wardrobe - 5,120
Regal Bed - 6,240
Regal Chair - 4,200
Blue Bed - 4,200
Blue Table - 3,600
Cabana Bed - 4,400
Cabana Chair - 3,200
Green Dresser - 4,640
Green Wardrobe - 4,600
Cabin Dresser - 4,320
Cabin Chair - 3,400
Modern Wardrobe - 5,120
Modern End Table - 3,800
Kiddie Bed - 4,200
Kiddie Clock - 2,960
Lovely Armoire - 4,480
Lovely End Table - 3,600
Robo-Closet - 4,800
Robo-Lamp - 3,600
Saddle Fence - 4,360
Well - 5,400
Rocket - 4,800
Space Shuttle - 5,560
Saw Horse - 2,400
Steam Roller - 9,000
Red Corner - 13,600
Judge's Bell - 3,580
Lawn Mower - 5,520
Backyard Pool - 1,980
Baby Bed - 5,800
Merry-Go-Round - 1,280
Medicine Chest - 4,560
Amazing Machine - 3,600
Black Knight - 5,600
Black Rook - 5,600
White Knight - 5,600
White Rook - 5,600
Clear Model - 6,720
Scoreboard - 4,400
Hospital Bed - 7,200
Mama Panda - 1,920
Frog-Woman Pole - 2,800
Paper Tiger - 1,360
Black Katana - 24,000
White Katana - 73,600
Deer Scare - 3,600
Left Lucky Cat - 3,400
Lucky black Cat - 3,400
Pothos - 2,600
Snake Plant - 2,400
Timpano Drum - 4,200
Pantheon Post - 7,200
Spaceman - 2,880
Basketball Hoop - 4,240
Tabletop Game - 4,960
Wide-Screen TV - 4,400
Super Toilet - 3,960
Safe - 1,560
Turntable - 5,160
High-End Stereo - 5,500
Dice Stereo - 4,300
Racoon Figurine - 4000
Triforce - 20,000