Snowman Guide

During the winter months when snow is on your ground snowballs will also appear. You will find two snowball somewhere in your town.

Snowballs are important for 2 things: catching Dung Beetles, and making Snowmen.

Here is how to make the perfect snowman.

  1. Find the first snowball and start gently kicking it around over any snow-covered ground. Soon it will be large enough for you to �roll� with your hands. Keep rolling the snowball around on the snow until it is as large as you can get it. The snowball should come up to the eyes of your character as they roll it toward you.
  2. Next find the other snowball and do the same thing until you are rolling a good-sized ball and can control its direction.
  3. You must now get the second snowball near the first. Roll the second snowball to the area where the first one sits. This may be difficult as you often have to go up a ramp, or across a bridge. The key is to have a large enough snowball that can be controlled and to stay right behind the ball and walk slowly as you control the direction with your hands.
  4. Once the second snowball is in the vicinity of the first, you will want to make it the right size. This snowball should be approximately 2/3 the size of the first. Or come up to the mouth of your character as they roll it toward you.
  5. Once the second ball is the correct size, gently push it toward the first snowball. It will automatically �jump� up on top of the first one.
  6. If you have done this correctly, your snowman will exclaim over how perfect or wonderful he is and the next time the mail comes you will receive a letter written on exclusive �Snowman stationery� with a piece of the �Snowman Series� attached or you will receive a �Snowman� that looks exactly like a snowman you would make, but will never melt and can be placed in your house. This snowman is not part of the Snowman Series. This is the only way to receive any of these items.
  7. If you did not succeed in making a perfect snowman, you will not receive a letter or item.

Some helpful tips:

  1. If you need to trim off some extra snow from your second ball, just roll it around on the ground.
  2. If you accidentally smash a snowball by running into a tree, building sign, rolling it into the river or ocean, or rolling it off of a cliff � don�t despair! Just enter a building and a new one should be generated.
  3. Only one snowman can be made in your town each day. That means even if you share your town with another person, only one of you will be able to make a snowman.
  4. It will take about 4 days for your snowman to totally melt (no matter what the weather is like). He will get smaller each day until he is gone.
  5. If you make a snowman in the area right in front of your bus stop, or leave a large snowball there, you will not be able to go to The City until it is moved or has melted.
  6. All pieces in the �Snowman Series� can be sold to Tom Nook for 8,888. (This may be a play on the fact that an 8 looks like a snowman.)

Items you may receive from a �perfect� snowman are:

Matching Wallpaper
Matching Flooring
Snowman Bed
Snowman Dresser
Snowman Wardrobe
Snowman Chair
Snowman Sofa
Snowman Table
Snowman Lamp
Snowman Clock
Snowman TV
Snowman Fridge
Snowman (not part of the Snowman Series)