Tool Guide

Fishing Rods
Bug Nets
Watering Cans


Normal Shovel -- Available for purchase from Tom Nooks for 500 bells. The normal shovel allows you to plant trees, dig up fossils, gyroids and pitfall seeds. The normal shovel can be used to hit the money rock for bells.

Silver Shovel -- Obtained from Resetti in the City. On a random night, the orange cones on the far right side of the city will be moved allowing you to access the tunnel to the Surveillance Center. You will meet Resetti and he will give you the Silver Shovel. The silver shovel increases your chance of getting double money bags from the money rock each day. The silver shovel can be used to hit the money rock for bells.

Golden Shovel -- To obtain a Golden Shovel, buy a spare normal shovel from Tom Nooks for 500 bells. Bury the shovel and the next day you can dig up a Golden Shovel. The Golden Shovel allows you to plant bell bags to try and grow a bell tree. The golden shovel can be used to hit the money rock for bells.

In WW the chances of a bell tree growing were directly proportionate to the amount of bells you planted. We are going on the same assumption here, but will do more research. The maximum amount you can grow is 90,000 bells. When you plant the bells with a golden shovel, a tree will sprout. It will look like a normal tree during it�s growth period. On the fourth day, if you are lucky, it will sprout 3 bells bags. If not it will look like a normal non-fruit bearing tree.

Buried Grown Chance to Grow
1,000 3,000 1%
5,000 15,000 5%
10,000 30,000 10%
20,000 60,000 20%
30,000 90,000 30%
40,000 90,000 40%
50,000 90,000 50%
60,000 90,000 60%
70,000 90,000 70%
80,000 90,000 80%
90,000 90,000 90%
99,999 90,000 99.9%


Normal Axe -- Available for purchase from Tom Nooks for 400 bells. Can be used to chop down trees, but does break after awhile.

Silver Axe -- Given by Sarena. After you have donated enough money to get a town bridge the next perk is a fountain. Donate 500,000 and after week there will be a fountain in front of your gate. Buy a Normal Axe from Tom Nooks and stand directly in front of the fountain and press A as if swinging your axe. The axe will fly into the fountain and Sarena (Goddess of the fountain) will appear. She will ask you what kind of axe you threw in. Be truthful. Continue to answer her questions and you may get the Silver Axe. It can be frustrating and time consuming as she does not always bestow it on you the first time. Just keep trying. The Silver Axe will never break.

Golden Axe -- The Golden Axe is obtained from Sarena just ask the Silver Axe is. Be patient. It also appears that Sarena runs out of axes if you ask too often. It is suggested that you wait a few days between attempts. The Golden Axe will never break.

Fishing Rods

Normal Fishing Rod -- Available for purchase from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells.

Silver Fishing Rod -- Available periodically from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells after he has upgraded. These rod�s lures are more attractive to fish, so should make fishing easier.

Golden Fishing Rod -- Given out as a reward by Tortimer once you have caught every fish. This ultimate rod is a �real fish magnet!�

Bug Nets

Normal Bug Net -- Available for purchase from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells.

Silver Bug Net -- Available periodically from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells after he has upgraded. This net has a slightly bigger net than the normal net, so should help you catch bugs more easily.

Golden Bug Net -- Given as a reward from Tortimer once you have caught every bug. This net �makes bug catching a breeze!�

Watering Cans

Normal Watering Can -- Available for purchase from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells. Use this to water wilted flowers and they will be normal the next day. Can also be used to water red turnips.

Silver Watering Can: Purchase 50 packages of flower seeds from Tom Nook�s store and you will receive the Silver Watering Can in a letter from the Posy Farm in appreciation for your business. The Silver Watering Can is said to have a larger watering radius, but still only waters 1 flower at a time. However, it is very special in that it can restore a wilted red turnip if you forget to water it for a day or two. The growth cycle will start all over so you will need to water it for the next 6 days for the turnip to reach full growth.

Golden Watering Can: Given as a reward by Pelly for maintaining a perfect town for 3 weeks. The benefit of the Golden Watering Can is that if you use it to water a wilted black hybrid rose, it will be golden the next day. Golden roses never die or wilt, but can be killed by running over them.


Normal Slingshot: Available for purchase from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells. Shoots one bullet and is used for knocking down balloons that hold presents that float across your town. It can also be used to shoot down Gulliver�s UFO.

Silver Slingshot: Available periodically from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells after he has upgraded. The Silver Slingshot shoots 2 bullets, doubling your chance of a hit. It can also be used to shoot down Gulliver�s UFO.

Golden Slingshot: Once you have shot down at least 8 balloons a special present attached to 3 gold balloons. You must hit all three balloons for this present to drop. When opened, this present reveals the Golden Slingshot. This shots 3 bullets, tripling your chances of making a hit. It can also be used to shoot down Gulliver�s UFO.

Note: Balloon presents often contain a special piece of furniture from the Mario Series. Shooting down a present is the only way to obtain these:

Brick Block
Fire Flower
Super Mushroom
Koopa Shell
Green Pipe
? Block
1-Up Mushroom
Fire Bar


Timer: Available for purchase from Tom Nook�s for 500 bells. There is just one version of the timer. It can keep time increments of 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes. You can use it to time games or anything else you�d like. If you activate the timer and go fish or catch bugs, it will keep track of the number you catch during that time period and display it after the time is up. The activated timer will continue to run even if you drop it on the ground. The timer will work for others in your town during wifi as well. You can deactivate it early if you desire. The activated timer will show up on the top left of your screen, and replace the normal clock that is displayed during game play.